TEOS API consumers can create invoice to get digital record for agreed obligation of payment and pay invoice to fulfil this obligation. Invoice is a time-stamped digital record for a payment agreement made between two parties.
Invoice object has following structure:
Main properties description:
UniqueAssetId – unique asset id of the asset that is used for payment within the invoice
DesiredAmount – amount of the asset in sparks
TargetAddress – wallet address defined during invoice creation, this address will receive the paid DesiredAmount of UniqueAssetId sparks
SenderAddress - wallet address which pays the invoice
TransactionId - transaction which is created and associated with current invoice when invoice payment is triggered
DueOn - due date for invoice validity, after this date invoice status will be changed to Expired
Description (optional) - any comment provided by invoice creator
Invoice status model
Open – invoice is created with this default status
Processing - transaction for transferring sparks was created
Paid - TEOS API automatically checks whether the invoice is paid by corresponding transfer transaction, if there is a related successfully resulted transaction for transferring sparks and amount is not less than stated in desiredAmount, status is set to “Paid”
Expired – TEOS API automatically checks whether currentDate >= dueDate of invoices with state “Open”, as soon as the condition is met, status is changed to “Expired”
Cancelled – this status is set when TEOS API gets corresponding request
Failed - this status is automatically set when transaction for transferring sparks fails
Invoice operations
TEOS user can create invoice (invoice data such as uniqueAssetId, desiredAmount, targetAddress and dueDate has to be provided as an input)
TEOS user can retrieve invoice details by an array of invoiceIds. Set of required details and filters can be defined within request based on OData query concept.
TEOS user can cancel invoice by invoiceId – status of Invoice is set to “Cancelled”
TEOS user can pay invoice. This initiates a Transfer or WARP transaction for invoice payment:
Transfer - a desired amount of sparks are transferred from sender to the target address
Last updated
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