
TEOS API Version 0.9 release notes

Released 06.07.2023| Supported until 01.07.2024

New Features:

  • We've added the possibility to retrieve on- and off-chain data of an asset with one endpoint. Use it to make sure that the same info is stored in TEOS Platform and in the blockchain GET /odata/v0.9/Assets({key})/MetaData

  • Starting from this version TEOS API consumers can pay invoices in two ways:

    • with a direct transfer of an invoice asset from own address to the invoice target address by using POST /odata/v0.9/Invoices({key})/PayWithTransfer

    • with executing warp against the one of the owned asset in return to the invoice asset and instructing the TEOS API to transfer the warp result to the invoice target address by using POST /odata/v0.9/Invoices({key})/PayWithWarpTransfer TEOS API consumers should run warp search first, find the warps which will meet the invoice criteria, select the best one and then submit warp parameters to TEOS API to initiate /PayWithWarpTransfer:

        "senderAddress": "0xe0450ce1e2ef73b15514ae6a003b90d0ebac8835", //address paying for the invoice
        "inputAmount": "100500", //the amount of offered asset that sender will pay, taken from the output of the WARP search result
        "supplyIds": [
        ] //the list of the supplies which should be executed within a selected warp

Transaction parameters for further signing and submitting are returned as a response according to Transaction creation and submission.


  • We improved the swagger describing the TEOS API: removed junk classes, enriched the description and prerequisites for using the specific methods and removed the possibility to call API with swagger, you can find a lot of examples of calling TEOS API methods within Postman collection

  • We've improved our system of error handling. You can always check the error codes in Handling errors section

Breaking changes:

  • Method for paying invoice POST /odata/v0.8/Invoices({key})/Process was renamed to /PayWithTransfer for v0.9

  • Method for retrieving spark operations has changed to GET /odata/v0.9/SparkOperations/Search instead of POST Now it's fully odata based and you can use odata operators as described in swagger

Fixed bugs:

  • We eliminated the problem when signing parameters couldn't be retrieved for addresses not created with the TEOS API after the transaction is successfully created

  • We changed GET /odata/v0.8/Assets(UniqueAssetId) to return non-activated assets (not written to blockchain, but already existing in the TEOS platform) similar to GET /odata/v0.8/Assets and GET /odata/v0.8/Assets/my

Last updated

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