Version 0.22

Available from July, 2023

New features

Also, as usual, we fixed some bugs to make user experience better.

Configuration changes

To support all the changes below we had to introduce versions in the config file. Please, note that ui_config.v2.json file must be used to define WLA properties starting from v0.22 (you can find it in the blob storage). All previous versions used ui_config.v1.json file


Starting from this version localization of UI strings is not available for customers by default. So, we removed links to localization files from the config file. But now customer can easily define default language of the app using new parameter

	"default_language": "en", //possible values: en, de, es, fr

All custom texts still can be localized:


	"intro": {
		"img.1": "icons/intro1@3x.png", // use number to define the picture order
		"en.title.1": "Wallet", //use language code to define title in the specific language and use number to set title for the specific picture
  		"en.desc.1": "A convenient way to store and manage your digital assets/token", //use language code to define description in the specific language and use number to set description for the specific picture
		"de.title.1": "Wallet_de",
		"de.desc.1": "Description in German",
		"img.2": "icons/intro2@3x.png",
		"en.title.2": "Import token",
		"en.desc.2": "Import token from external wallets, like a Token Card",
		"de.title.1": "Import token_de",
		"de.desc.1": "Description in German",
		"img.3": "icons/intro3@3x.png",
		"en.title.3": "Request token",
		"en.desc.3": "Requests token as means of payment",
		"de.title.3": "Request token_de",
		"de.desc.3": "Description in German"

New module "Voting" and its configuration

Last updated