User management

As an administrator you can manage the users of you tenant and WLM specifically. Go to “Administrate” and select “Users” in the menu bar. The page shows you an overview of all user requests with available details.

Manage user requests

On the top left of the “Requests” view, you can set the auto confirmation, if you want new users of your tenant (also valid for WLP, WLA and TEOS API) to be automatically confirmed. We recommend to turn on this feature if you don't have specific business process for accepting new users.

If you want to confirm new users manually, just click on the user you want to confirm. A new page opens. There you have the possibility to confirm or reject the user. If you want to confirm the user, click on “Confirm” and “Save”. The user then can access your tenant.

Manage tenant users

You can switch to the view of active users. Here you can see all users registered and confirmed for accessing your tenant (all configured products).

Disable user

You can disable user, then its profile will be moved to "Disabled" list. You can undo this action later.

While user is disabled, he won't be able to user TEOS services, he will get corresponding error when he enters.

Remove user

Also you can remove the user, then he will be marked as "Inactive" and won't be displayed in any of the lists. You can't undo this action.

You can switch to view the active users and the users which you have disabled.

After user is removed, he won't be able to user TEOS services, he will get corresponding error when he enters.

Assign role

Newly registered users after they are confirmed by administrator will get the default role assigned automatically. You can edit the role, check how to do it here Role management.

Last updated