Decentralized market and payment request configuration

Supply expiry date, invoice target address, invoice expiry date

All configuration is done within main configuration file trading-app-configs/ui_config.v1.json.

Supply expiry date

Supplies can be created within Market functionality. The expiry date of supplies is set according to this setting:

"decentralized_market": {
    "supplies_days_before_expired": 10

The set expiry date in this example will be today + 10 days. The setting is defined in the amount of days.

Invoice configuration

Invoices can be created along with Payment requests. Some of the properties are defined based on config:

  • expiry date is defined as current date + "days_before_expired" set in the config file. The setting is defined in the amount of days.

  • target address of the invoice (address which will receive paid asset) can be set in the config file. User can change it. But if not set in config - current user's address is set as default and still can be edited

"payment_request": {
	"invoices": {
		"days_before_expired": 10,
		"target_address": "0x4083fdfba2ebf8efc2f9f9b34537f6f989470840"

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